Step 3: Reframe the Objection

At the core of an objection is belief. We form a belief by creating a box (frame) around what something is/ could be through language.

Beliefs are powerful. They create our “map of the world.”

And not all beliefs are beneficial. Some don’t serve us at all and greatly limit our potential. The smaller the map, the smaller the world becomes.

Our goal in reframing is to invite someone to expand their map.

You can’t change a limiting belief for someone. But you can create a space that supports change with and for them.

The foundational purpose of Step 1 (Understand the Objection) and Step 2 (Honor the Objection) is to get inside the box of a belief with someone. Once inside, you’re well positioned to share an enriching new perspective through reframing in Step 3… in a way that builds rapport rather than breaks it.


As an example, a common objection we hear every day in recruiting is the many iterations of “Happy where I’m at.”

“Happy where I’m at” is a frame of the present-state. When you really zoom in, it’s grounded in desirable things like comfort and stability. “There isn’t anything so terribly wrong to evoke change, so this is good enough.” But present-state framing can often breed complacency and stagnancy. So we might suggest a new frame that doesn’t challenge the present-state, but simply shifts focus into the future by planting a seed of curiosity about what “better” could look like. Ie. “Most great originators tend to be happy, so that says a lot about you and who YOU are. What I’d like to talk about is your future.”

This is an example of how we create a new frame of thought to expand the map.

- Andi

PS. If you're ready to get serious about building a world-class team of talent, click here to talk.

PLUS: Whenever you're ready, here’s 3 ways we can help you build your business by building people:

1. If you need help designing a wildly profitable recruiting process- from defining your value proposition to crafting a seamless candidate journey that retains- click here.

2. Get appointments with qualified candidates dropped on your calendar weekly by our "Done For You" Recruiting team.

3. If you need help getting into conversation with referral partners in your target market, let's connect on our "Done For You" Alliance Partner Solution.

Oh, and... check out CONVERT:

Andi Arroyo

Director of Business Integration & Performance

5 Things That Great Talent Wants


Step 2: Honor the Objection