The Power of Belief

We're working in the area of beliefs when we get someone to make a move.

They have to believe certain things about you as a leader. They have to believe that they can trust you, they have to believe you care about them as a human, they have to believe you have value to them.

They have to believe certain things about the company. Primarily, they have to believe that they're going to be able to operate successfully in order to achieve their goals. So, does the company have the products, the pricing, the tech stack, and the support that they need to be able to functionally operate?

Lastly, and most importantly, they have to believe in themselves. They have to believe they deserve this opportunity. And so many people have a lot of problems with this one, even uber successful people struggle with it. This is our opportunity as leaders, even if this person never joins us, can we speak life into this person and say, "Hey man, the dream you've got that you've allowed to die... dream it again. You're worth it."

If I can do nothing but speak life into their dreams, then I've done my job and I'm also a lot closer to that person becoming converted.

- Joe

PS. If you're ready to get serious about building a world-class team of talent, click here to talk.

PLUS: Whenever you're ready, here’s 3 ways we can help you build your business by building people:

1. If you need help designing a wildly profitable recruiting process- from defining your value proposition to crafting a seamless candidate journey that retains- click here.

2. Get appointments with qualified candidates dropped on your calendar weekly by our "Done For You" Recruiting team.

3. If you need help getting into conversation with referral partners in your target market, let's connect on our "Done For You" Alliance Partner Solution.

Oh, and... check out CONVERT:


Step 1: Understand the Objection


Strong, Profitable Conversions Take Time