Tapping Into Someone's Genuine Values and Beliefs

It's important to remember that values give meaning.

These aren't values like- don't lie, don't cheat, don't steal.

These are deeply personal values of- what actually matters to you?

And think how critical this is when it comes to someone making a move. They have to value the conversation you're having over valuing the status quo- and the status quo is very attractive. Lukewarm is our #1 enemy in recruiting. And so, we have to understand how to tap into someone's genuine values and beliefs.

- Joe

PS. If you're ready to get serious about building a world-class team of talent, click here to talk.

PLUS: Whenever you're ready, here’s 3 ways we can help you build your business by building people:

1. If you need help designing a wildly profitable recruiting process- from defining your value proposition to crafting a seamless candidate journey that retains- click here.

2. Get appointments with qualified candidates dropped on your calendar weekly by our "Done For You" Recruiting team.

3. If you need help getting into conversation with referral partners in your target market, let's connect on our "Done For You" Alliance Partner Solution.

Oh, and... check out CONVERT:


Beliefs are Changeable


The Business of Conversation